Sunday, July 13, 2008

Myspace a very dangerous toy

Hello. wow it's been an awsome week. let me talk to all of you teens and all of the parents of young teens. If your between the age of 10-19. you might say thats a wide range but not really not once you see my topic. my topic is on myspace. wow i bet you all are about to exit out well don't wait i promise you will be glad that you didn't. im 14 years old and i thought i knew everything and that the world revolved around me well that was a big wake up call. because i am 14 and i know nothing and the world revolves around the sun. but i struggled for some time with a myspace account it's not all fun and games beleive me it's very tempting you can put anything on your site and it definitly is not GOD honoring. why would you want to talk to people you don't know and that have messed up their lives or are going to soon. god loves the sinner but hates the sin. well they will pull you into sin before you pull them up out of sin. I heard my preacher say once that you are free to make choices but your not free from the choices you make. that is so true.

Now let me talk to you parents don't be afraid to talk to your teens about these things they will thank you in the long run they don't know that now but i am very thankful that my freind told my sunday school teacher and his wife and they cared enough that they went to my pastor and had me go in for a meeting it was the best thing anyone has ever done for me other than jesus christ sheding his blood on calvery for me. well parents don't use the excuse they need to go through life and learn from their mistakes no thats what god put you in their lives for. well if you don't know jesus as your heavenly father or you would like to go to heaven someday when you die. read the next blog


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