When you see a nun dressed in her plain black dress and her white veil on her head with no makeup and very little if any jewelry, caring her big family bible, and looking to heaven with her hands folded in prayer, do you think to yourself." she must be a wild woman; she looks like a prostitute!" she may be a very naughty woman inside, but you would never know it by just looking at her.
when you walk down the street or around the mall in your outfit what,talking to your friends, what do people think when they see you?do they see your knee length skirt and modest shirt or sweater and think," she must be a christian!" or do they see your jeans and t-shirt from A&F or hollister and think you are just another sloppy, typical public school teenager? when guys look at you, do they think," what a pure innocent girl!"; or do they take one look at you and think, "i could get anything i want out of that girl- she's definitely for sale."
you may not think what you wear is important. after all, people should not judge you just by what they see maybe they shouldn't but the bible says, "... man looketh at the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)
there is a popular christian song that talks about our appearance, and the following are the words to the chorus:
when the world looks at me,do they see Jesus?
when the world looks at me , what do they see?
do they see hope? do they see love? do they see charity?
when the world looks at me what do they see?
whether or not you like it, people judge you by what they see with their
"If it's doubtful, don't do it!"
eyes. nobody except god knows what is in your heart, but what is in your heart usually does come out and show. you may be the most pure minded girl, but if you wear tops that are to low and reveal to much, men are not going to see your pure mind; they are going to see your body and think that you want to be immoral.
men have a hard enough time keeping their minds pure with all of the filthy commercials, billboards,and ungodly women in the world, and they do not need christian girls and Lady's to add to the problem. the bible says that if a man looks at a woman and thinks bad thoughts and thinks bad thoughts about her in his mind, then he has committed a very sinful act in his heart.Are you wearing something that causes someone else's husband to think wicked thoughts about you?Even the most perverted man who has been immoral time after time, when it comes time for him to choose someone to marry for the rest of his life, wants someone who is pure and clean-someone who has saved herself just for him.
did you know that men think very differently than women?clothing we think is perfectly fine and so "stylish and cute" may actually not be appropriate to wear around the opposite gender. sometimes i will not wear the things i think are so adorable and trendy because my husband does not feel comfortable with my wearing them. i know you do not yet have a husband , and your boyfriend might want you to wear things that"catch his eye" so a great way to make sure your wearing the right thing is to ask your dad how you look. ask him if something is too tight or too low, and if it is appropriate to wear out.I'm sure if your dad is anything like mine, he will make sure you look right because you are his precious girl, and the last thing he wants is for some jerk to put his hands on you!
a good rule to go by is if it's questionable don't wear it. remember, you want that prince charming to be saving himself for you, but are you saving yourself for him?
This article was written by: jaclynn weber
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